Monday, March 12, 2012

Eco Eating

What you eat not only impacts your weight and health, it can also impact our planet's resources.  When you buy out-of-season produce (I'm thinking of grapes and cherries at the moment) imported from Chile, for example, think of the massive resources required to bring this food to your market.  Fuel use and cost comes to mind immediately.  Also, think of how fresh this food can be coming from so far away, versus locally grown produce. 

Besides produce, there are many trail mixes, nuts, and processed snacks made take a second to read the package carefully to ensure your product was made in the US. 

While there may not be many choices when it comes to buying US-made clothes and toys, we do have a choice about food.  A Farmer's Market is the obvious source for locally-grown foods.  Many markets are also promoting "locally sourced" items, and there's always the option of a CSA box dropped directly at your door. 

For more on this topic, check out the great authors Michael Pollan, Mark Bittman and Marion Nestle.

Here's a list of in-season produce to look for now: 

Who's going to the Farmer's Market this weekend?
